Bill Cook Interviews Kelsey Milligan

Kelsey Milligan and her sister Kenzie did their first real estate investing deal when they were less than 10 years old. To be fair, her dad and mom did all the work.

At 17, while still in high school, Kelsey did her first, she-was-in-charge-of-everything creative real estate investing deal. The amount of monthly cash flow she receives from this one property is about double what her high school teachers make each month!

During this probing, in-depth interview, Kelsey shares why she chose to become a real estate investor, what it takes to succeed as a real estate investor, how to overcome the fear of doing one’s first deal, and why financial freedom is so important to her at such a young age.

In the world of creative deal making, you’ll be surprised to learn that Kelsey’s story is not unusual. There are many 14, 15, 16, and 17-year-olds who already own a portfolio of rental homes, secured promissory notes, and pure options.

If you have a young one, maybe he or she will be intrigued by Kelsey’s interview. To find more in-depth interviews with a wide variety of successful real estate investors, go to


Bill Cook

Bill Cook Editor
Bill and Kim Cook are a husband and wife real estate investing team. Their core belief is that real estate investing is not about buying, selling or renting property. It’s about helping folks solve their real estate problems.