4th of July: Freedom and Independence

Today is July 4, 2024.  Happy 4th of July everybody!  We celebrate America’s independence.  We celebrate freedom. Freedom and independence come in many sizes and shapes.  Today, let’s discuss Financial Independence. Two quick thoughts: First, for most Americans,...

Creative Lending Combined With Structure Stacking

Knowing how to creatively structure a purchase offer may be old hat to you, but as a lender, have you ever thought about constructing an advanced creative L-O-A-N that allows you to capture BOTH a portion of a property’s cash flow and appreciation in addition to...

What is Structure Stacking?

Ever heard of Structure Stacking?  Ever seen it in action? Many real estate investors use deal structuring tools like Owner Carry, Wrap Mortgages, Subject-to Deals, Master Leasing, and Pure Options, but here’s something to consider: When structuring advanced creative...
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Impersonation of Pete Fortunato

Impersonation of Pete FortunatoWatch this video on YouTube   Pete Fortunato is THE BEST creative deal structure on the planet. He’s one heck of a real estate investor. On our Captains of the Deal Cruise in 2018, during one night’s Town Hall meeting,...

My Favorite Option Deal

When asked about my favorite Option deal, one Pure Option transaction stands above all the rest. This deal goes back to 2010. We were in the heart of the Great Recession. Foreclosures were occurring by the thousands, and banks we’re falling like dominoes. Fear...

Lease Option with an Owner Financed Kicker

Over the past few weeks, I’ve shared three Pure Option Deals with you. With the first deal, we acquired a Pure Option from a homeowner who didn’t want to sell his home.  Because we agreed to pay the owner’s property taxes, which allowed the owner to keep...