On Friday, October 9, 2009, Jack Miller, the Dean of real estate investing gurus, went to Heaven to join his wife. I’m guessing he already has a bunch of angels gathered around him asking how to best structure solid, win-win real estate investing deals!
Of all the REI (real estate investing) teachers, Jack had the biggest – as well as the most loyal – following of been-there-and-done-that disciples. Most of the people who attended his seminars had taken that particular seminar about 20 times.
Why would someone pay to take Jack’s seminars over and over? Because each seminar he taught was different. He was always sharing the latest cutting-edge material.
Did you know that Jack, and his buddy John Schaub, were the first guys to hit the road teaching folks how to buy, sell and rent single-family homes? These days, there are a lot of “gurus” on TV and on the national speaking circuit. They are there because of Jack and John’s trailblazing back in the 1970s.
Jack was part of a group called the Florida Six Pack, which was formed in the 1970s by Warren Harding, a real estate broker in Tampa, Florida. Warren knew how to think outside the box. He formed a little club of like-minded men who met regularly for breakfast, where they discussed different ways a particular deal could be structured to make it safer and more profitable.
Pure talent attended those breakfast meetings. In addition to Warren, you had: Jack Miller, John Schaub, Jimmy Napier, Pete Fortunato, Mike Meeker and Don Taucher. A number of other experienced investors also attended off and on.
After Warren passed away, Jack, because of his personality and talent, became the head of the Six Pack – though they never referred to themselves as “The Florida Six Pack.” Wish I knew who gave them this great handle.
Folks, most of the creative deal-structuring techniques investors use these days were originally thought up and perfected by the Six Pack. We owe so much to Jack Miller and this group of far-sighted investors.
Be sad for Jack’s family, but not for Jack. Jack lived a full, rich life, and he lived it on his terms.
And hey, if you think you are too old to get into real estate investing, you should know that Jack was 45 when he became a real estate investor! What’s more, the last Jack Miller seminar we attended was in February of this year. Jack was 79 at the time. His class was packed, he was bigger than life and the material was outstanding!
You know, it’s hard to believe that we will never again see Jack Miller standing at the front of the room, CLANGING his big ol’ school bell, calling his REI class to order.
Rest easy, Jack – and thanks for all you did for us! You are loved, admired and missed.
Do you seek real-world real estate investing information? Go to BillandKimCook.com. It’s packed with free creative deal structuring techniques and strategies. Bill and Kim Cook have been investing in real estate since 1995. Their portfolio consists of single-family rentals, a small mobile home park, plus notes and options. If you have questions, give Bill a call at 770-815-8727.