How to Buy Your FIRST Investment Property

As real estate investors, it’s Kim’s and my responsibility to find, structure, close and manage our properties. Last week, we put together our first mobile home park (MHP) deal. In putting together the MHP deal, we were often reminded of when we bought our first...

Taxes Will Skyrocket – Hello Rental Property!

Last week, two local, successful businessmen asked to meet with me. After learning of President Obama’s (and the Democrats in Congress) plan to dramatically increase taxes for the purpose of stealing money from America’s achievers and giving it America’s parasites,...

Harper Anne – A Born Real Estate Investor

You’ve heard me say that there’s no such thing as a born real estate investor.  Folks, I was W-R-O-N-G! On June 18, 2008, at 8:13 a.m., at the Cartersville, Georgia hospital, Chad and Terrah Whitlock – though it was Terrah doing most of the work – gave birth to Harper...

The Best Real Estate Investor in Georgia

Who is THE BEST real estate investor in Georgia?  He’s a friend of mine; we met in 1996.  Problem is, because he doesn’t want to be anyone’s guru, he has forbidden me from using his name. With investors like John Adams and Dyches Boddiford in the state, how can I say...

The Big Mo is a Key to Success

I’m tired of all the real estate investing gurus who come to town and tell eager-to-be real estate investors that success is easy and that it only takes five hours of work (or less) each week.  Oh, and of course, that you’ll need to buy the guru’s “system” that...